What Does it Do?
Mobile Friendly
Installs on Devices
Secure Login
Integrations available
Private Databse
Custom Templates
Single Point is an application for charter brokers to manage their entire sales and operations activities from the same screen. It includes a Marketplace to source aircraft. After getting a firm quote from the air charter operator or estimating price you can generate and share documents such as Private Jet Charter Quotes, Contracts, Charter Itineraries and Invoices with your customers. You can store the data of your customers and vendors in your secure database and integrate with any other software. All these modules are integrated tightly to provide a seamless workflow from the same screen. The team feature allows businesses to effectively manage activities within and across teams.
The generated documents such as private jet charter quotes, contracts and travel Itineraries can be saved as PDF or shared via link through Charter Docs.
We also offer customisation of document templates for team accounts.
Active Aircraft Search
Search results on Insta Charter are filtered by the actual recent flying activity of the aircraft and the region where it was seen if the schedule is not available. This helps in making requests to those charter operators who are more likely to respond. For example, when a customer searches on your app he will see only the active aircraft or when you search for aircraft in Single Point you will see only active aircraft. When you reach out to this air charter operator your chances of getting a deal are better as compared to directory based search engines.
>75% of the Global Charter Fleet does not use an API-enabled scheduling software.

We understand that no two Air Charter Businesses are same or follow the same template. We offer customisation of your templates so that your documents represent you and not the software. In some cases if there is a feature request, we try our best to implement it at the earliest.
Schedule a Demo. We will understand your needs in the demo.
We will prepare a prototype to suit your workflows & customisations.
We will review your app with you within 7 days.
We will finalize your app in next 3 days.
We will deploy your app and you can start using Single Point.